Be cautious of new scams, warns Cardano founder to ADA investors.

The founder of Cardano blockchain, Charles Hoskinson, warned investors about a new scam scheme targeting ADA holders. Hoskinson revealed that scammers impersonate him and send messages to members of the ADA community. He reiterated that he would never email ADA holders directly and disclosed that scammers have been trying different tactics to impersonate him and defraud ADA investors of their funds.

Through an ADA enthusiast, Hoskinson discovered that the scammers sent emails concerning a newly launched project, the “Hoskinson Health and Wellness Clinic.” They claimed that the medical center, based in Wyoming, will include ADA as a payment option and will help save more lives through easy availability and accessibility of medical information through innovative technology like Cardano. However, Hoskinson confirmed that the scammers’ emails are malicious and advised ADA investors to research more about the medical chain project while increasing their investment holdings in ADA.

Furthermore, Hoskinson has offered some tips on identifying scammers, including verifying the identity of senders of suspicious emails by requesting Hoskinson’s Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) key signature. He confirmed that scammers cannot replicate this signature as PGP keys are public encryption keys designed for specific purposes of encrypting or signing emails, files, and directories.

In the meantime, ADA is trading at around $0.3748, indicating a drop of 1.78% over the past 24 hours.